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Opportunity News
Full Time and Part Time Work Available!
Vector has full and part time openings available immediately for college students, recent high school graduates, individuals needing extra income and others. No experience is required and all majors may apply. Schedules are flexible.
Work Opportunities
We remember what it's like to juggle work around classes, exams and extracurricular activities. That's why we offer entry-level sales and service positions that accommodate flexible schedules.
Excellent Income
Our representatives are guaranteed an average base pay of $15- $25 per appointment. Additional income is also awarded through a performance based incentive program.
Our initial training seminar consists of two or three sessions. Representatives learn to arrange appointments, talk with potential customers, explain our products, answer questions, write up orders and ask for recommendations. Advanced training workshops are also available.
Career Opportunities
Our "promote from within" policy means that all of our office managers started as representatives. Those who demonstrate the personal and professional characteristics that Vector Marketing seeks in its management team are invited to train as management candidates.
While pursuing their degree, most candidates are able to simultaneously gain management experience through involvement in weekly meetings, training, and office activities.
Upon graduation, the best candidates may be offered a career opportunity as a district manager with Vector.